Thursday, August 20, 2009

1 year Agreement Specials from Verizon

Hate 2 year agreements?

We have a solution for you! The Novatel USB760 is just $49.99 after rebate with a 1 year agreement! That is correct. For the same price that most places sell the USB760 with a 2 year deal, we have only a 1 year commitment!

In fact to get any of our Verizon Broadband modem cards with a 1 year agreement, just add $100 to the upfront cost of any of our super low priced 2 year deals. Since most of our prices are almost $100 less than many Verizon retailers...that means you get a 1 year deal for the "normal" price of a 2 year deal!
What if you need a CradlePoint router along with a Verizon Broadband card? No problem, the same rules apply: If you want a 1 year contract instead of a 2 year deal, just add $100 to the combo package price!
For more Mobile Internet Plans from Verizon, including International plans, and info on 5GB plans please visit our site, or give us a call at 866-541-0400.